A SHOWCASE FOR SPORT - Negozi del Lupo, Wolf Stores

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During the week of June 5 to 13 sports stores wolf participating in a project in collaboration with the town of San Giovanni lupatoto .
The project " A Showcase for the Sport " is to bring any sports club to exhibit in shops in San Giovanni Lupatoto their sports and activities they offer.
26 stores in San Giovanni  joined this initiative and some will host more than a sport , to try to find space and visibility for each sports club .
The project is mutually beneficial for the clubs, that can promote their team, their plans, their initiatives which will give space in our stores and in our facebook page "Wolf Stores" and in our website www.negozidellupo.it, and this is good for stores that can be found visibility and feedback in the preparation of showcases and new contacts. To every owner of the shop we asked to take a picture of this collaboration and if there will be a chance to do a little demonstration of the sport in front of the shop .
In September, when the period of registration for sports clubs , stores will keep the brochures of the clubs known in their own shop .

A mutual aid in the sense of collaboration between shops and sports clubs , both necessary to live our community .


The project " A showcase for the sport " want to color the shop windows of San Giovanni Lupatoto , with sports and their elements , during the week of sport that starts on June 5 . You can see these windows and enjoy the spectacle of an evening with many sports events on Saturday evening June 6 at the white night of sport , where many shops are open until 24 , and we will be there with the Wolf Toto in the tower a gazebo .
There are the combinations we have achieved with the help of the recommended companies, shopkeepers and sports .

Gemini Basket at "Insolito Caffè"

Gemini Cheers at Bar Pasticceria Adami

Gemini Volley at Bar Pasticceria Adami

Polisportiva Libertas Lupatotina Danza at Nel Mio Cielo Articoli da Regalo

Polisportiva Libertas Ginnastica Ritmica at Calzature Trend 125

Arcieri Scaligeri at Centro Ottico Ipervista

Baki Scherma Zevio at L'isola Verde Erboristeria,  Hamamelis Erboristeria

Gruppo Amici della Montagna (GAM) at Hotel alla Campagna

Polisportiva Libertas at Genny Abbigliamento

Arti marziali Vietnamite "Vovinam Viet Vo dao" at Bar Gelateria Piazza Umberto

S.C. Lupatotina at Cartoleria Avogaro Mercanti

Raldon Calcio at Lavasecco V&D

Horse centre "Vola con Pegaso" at La Sartoria

King rock at Ristorante alla Campagna

Many sports at Estetica Moira in Raldon

Il Pattinaggio della Polisportiva Buon Pastore at Abbigliamento Eventi Style

Tennis di San Giovanni Lupatoto at Amore e Aroma  

Gio' Club e Sport Managerment per il nuoto at Benetton di Piazza Umberto

Libertas Lupatotina Bmx at Farmacia Cossater Dr. Roberto

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