ABOUT US - Negozi del Lupo, Wolf Stores

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This page is dedicated to all those who made possible the realization of this initiative .
By those who gave the idea to those who help and continue helping :
In chronological order the aid received by November 25, 2014 to today.
Claudio Gheller of Veneto Marketing (we have to thank him because from his advice we had the opportunity to develope this idea.

The Board of Confcommercio of San Giovanni Lupatoto for support
Paola from Ottica Ciemme for giving depth to the message
Mariarosa, that works for the  Office of the Mayor of San Giovanni Lupatoto for the idea Stores Friends of Children
Daniele (trade commissioner of San Giovanni Lupatoto) for the idea " No Slot Machines"
Group of Young Hoteliers of Verona to the idea of collaboration and networking
Mara for making me realize that we had to do something and soon for our town ,
Maristella and Jenny to the idea of embellishing our town ,
Mario and Ernesto for the idea of ' after-sales service ,
Alberto for the idea of saving time and in giving value to everything ,
Sandro for Otto ,
Raffaella from Pegli , from her idea was born " We find Otto "
Zero Waste Italy for recycling .

All retailers who have joined the initiative .
Vittorio who collected all addresses
Ernesto for disclosure
My daughter Emma and my wife Ilaria for designing the Wolf and my son Michael for being photographer
My parents for helping me at work while I was dressed of Lupo Toto in San Giovanni's town.

Pia, Adriana, Luciana, and Maurizio di Luca " Scatti da Lupi" for the participation and support in the implementation of photo.
Rce Photography for the development of photos of those without email,
Gianluca of " Accenta " that will give future development initiative,
Luigi Bertoni, Franco Piola Carnival's Committee, Ugo Massella, Enrico Mantovanelli, Marco Taietta for contacts.
Our Mayor Federico Vantini for inviting us to the candidacy of San Giovanni in the municipality of sport
The commissioner Silvia De Carli for inviting us to the Sports Gala
Restaurant Pepperone for inviting us on the occasion of the gift of exercise books to school childrens .
Gemini Basketball for inviting us to the awards in december.
All those who have so far put on the mascot of the wolf and have allowed the presence
Andrea, Cristian, the Marconi Cotton Band, Michael, Mario, Stefano, Valeria

Mr . Gastaldo of newspaper L'Arena
Mr . Spazian of Il Sentiero
Mr . Ballini of Il Nuovo Lupo
Mr . Simonato of Inpiazza
Adriana from Press Office of San Giovanni Lupatoto
Chiara Boni translated this page in english.

Unusual coffee, confectionary Adami, Restaurant alla Campagna, Erboristeria L ' Isola Verde

Anyone of you who reads this page and  can share this site and the information contained there.

I hope I did not forget anyone, though the list is not over ....

Many thanks to all


"Il Sentiero" December 2014 Page 5

"Il Sentiero" January 2015 Page 13


"Il Sentiero" January 2015 Page 25

"Il Sentiero" January 2015 Page 45

"Il Nuovo Lupo" January 2015

"Il Nuovo Lupo" January 2015

"ll Nuovo Lupo" February 2015

Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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