FOLLOW THE WOLF - Negozi del Lupo, Wolf Stores

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8 principles and benefits which you can find in each "Negozio del Lupo" ("Wolf Store"):

1) After-sale assistance. In case of any mistake in your purchases, you can change the size, type or measure of the product you purchased. (except during summer and winter sales).

2) It's convenient because you can grant the right value to your time. You will quickly find what you need, and additionally you will always be welcomed by a smile, a good advice and real courtesy.

3) We are "children friendly" shops. In case of any emergency, if they need for example to call home or even to get an umbrella when it starts raining, any child can address to any of the "Negozi del Lupo" ("Wolf Stores"). You can recognize them by the Wolf  footprints exposed on the shop windows.

4) A network between shops. If you look for something you can’t find, we will cooperate together in order to help you.
5) No slot machines in our shops. None of our stores hosts slot machines.
6) A nicer town. We are committed to make San Giovanni Lupatoto a more lively and welcoming town.
7) Environment care. In San Giovanni Lupatoto every shop respect differentiated waste collection and respect environment.
8) Consolidated professionalism. You can count on our shops because they have a story to tell.

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