Clothing - Genny - Negozi del Lupo, Wolf Stores

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Clothing - Genny


Genny , always offers clothing trend for the young and for the young lady , but always keeping an eye on the good taste and quality .

Genny , select apparel which fits the woman of today be it sports or elegant , but still able to mediate with the dictates of fashion .

Genny will follow in the selection of leaders with valuable advice , not just style , but directs you of models that will enhance physical and personality .

The wide range of accessories complete the total look , making it even more attractive and modern .

The wide choice and good value for money, make bags , scarves , pashminas and trinkets also a reason for this .

Clothing Genny
Via Garofoli, 34
San Giovanni Lupatoto (VR)
045 546167
PI 03805960238

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