Gifts - NEL MIO CIELO - Negozi del Lupo, Wolf Stores

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In my Sky ...
It means in my world, my choices,
my taste for you, my love crowned by the blue shop, dominant theme and my favorite color.
Which color is more beautiful than a clear sky ?

"Nel Mio Cielo" (In My Sky) was founded in 2008 by a project owner, who, after so many years of experience in the commercial sector , with a lot of courage , passion and determination , wants to provide gifts and gifts ideas with courtesy and creativity to all the people who like to surround themselves of beautiful things.
Nice things to make your home more beautiful and personal things to wear to enjoy small pleasures that are good for our soul .



The message is for all those who celebrate every event of their lives, birthdays, births, communions, confirmations, graduations, weddings, anniversaries and significant with joy and elegance.

       It is always a great feeling to see the joy of a person who, while purchasing a gift, thinks ot ther persons that will receive the gift. We will help you making the right choice.


This is the aim we want to achieve, together with our friendly service, with primary emphasis on the needs of more customers, cuddling with our wonderful customized packaging, by assisting and advising the best, responding in person to any problem with the ' commitment to solve it in the best way.

All our products are of quality , supported by prestigious brands and with various types of material . In our shop you can buy precious porcelain, glassware, silver and sacred icons, furniture, jewelery, party favors confetti many tastes for spectacular pelleted.

" In my Sky ...
Beating wings
Reflections of crystal and silver
Moments lived together
Baptism , Communion , Confirmation , Graduation , Wedding, Anniversary ...
Magical days !
Small gifts wrapped feeling.
Emotions of a lifetime ...
Confetti to soften . "

" Heavens high heavens ... ... big blue skies ...
clear summer nights and sometimes blue ...
but also dark gray ... blacks ... ...
how life sometimes peaceful and sometimes not ...
and even small shooting stars in the sky ,
want to moments spent together . "

In my sky ... Mara Veronese

Piazza Umberto I, 127 S. Giovanni Lupatoto 37057 ( VR )
Tel. 045.8753610 - Fax 045.8775142;

Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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