Products for coffee -AMORE E AROMA - Negozi del Lupo, Wolf Stores

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Products for coffee -AMORE E AROMA


We are retailers of coffee machines in capsule, capsules of all brands,  teas and infusions in bulk and in bags.
Finally gift items about the products on sale


It all begins just over a year ago. After several visits to the square San Giovanni we decided to open thi shop . We noticed that parameters set for our products and then I said to myself : " and why don't we try to open here our service ? "
We accepted the challenge , and we started ! Our shop is the latest member of the family of 6 Amore and Aroma. Ours is a small franchise with a great desire to transfer the friendship and the customer, we want you to feel like home.


We want to be as a "shops" of the past. As we said, our priority is the human relationship, friendship. We try to respond to all requests, recommending the right choice, making you try our products and try to make you feel welcome.
We offer a pleasant service, we can serve the family and the small office.
Our special? Easy products, speed and cleanliness. Jusk ask to the actor Luke Argentero.

Offer of the month

Love and Flavor
Piazza Umberto I, 103

San Giovanni Lupatoto (VR)
Tel 392 599 1205
P.I. 04204990230

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